15 May 2024
  • UPDATE: New gallery links fixed and SOMETHING SPECIAL IS COMING.
  • 6 Feb 2023
  • UPDATE: Comments link is now clickable and fixed imgur gifs issue.
  • 31 Jan 2023
  • NEW: Compact mode (smaller thumbnails, faster loading) is here, enable it from the settings page.
  • NEW: Infinite Scrolling is here. If that's your thing enable it from the settings page.
  • UPDATE: All GIFs now load faster than ever.
  • UPDATE: OP's comments are labelled.
  • 18 Jan 2023
  • ADDED: New themes and fonts.
  • UPDATED: Click on the first image of a gallery post to open the images in gallery view.
  • 17 Jan 2023
  • NEW: Multiple themes to match your style. Check now
  • 9 Jan 2023
  • ADDED: Setting to change the number of posts displayed per page.
  • 11 Dec 2023
  • ADDED: Now you can save posts from the right side menu.
  • ADDED: Import your subscriptions from reddit website.
  • UPDATED: Some styling and made it easier to access your subscribed subs.
  • 22 Sep 2023
  • ADDED: Add to home screen for a fixed navigation bar at top.
  • ADDED: Share button.
  • ADDED: Option to sort by Week.
  • 21 Sep 2023
  • FIXED: Fixed r/soccer not loading.
  • 12 Sep 2023
  • NEW: Export rdx subscriptions and import them to another browser in the settings page.
  • 11 Sep 2023
  • NEW: Add to home screen for an app like experience.
  • FIXED: Audio not playing in videos.
  • NEW: Donation button added to help support rdx.
  • NEW: Gallery view.
  • NEW: Double tap on any comment to collapse the thread.
  • 7 Jul 2023
  • NEW: Tap on subreddit name on header to change subreddit quickly.
  • FIXED: Giphy gifs.
  • .